Saturday, March 19, 2011

Eliot | Portrait

Oh, where might I start with this post. I will start first with saying Eliot, you rock, and not to mention a knock-out. This girl endured an interesting experience to say the least. And beware of the grossness of this post.

Let me just say, this was the worst experience at a session I have...ever...had. Since my freshman year of high school, I have had nosebleeds. These are not normal, they last a good 30 minutes if I am lucky. Gross, right? First off, the sight of blood makes me nauseous, weak to my knees, and it is not good. Well, the problem was fixed about two years ago on the right side of my nose. I got it cauterized, gross...again. I know. Well until January, I had not had any serious ones in about 2 years since that. And on this this session...I had the worst one I have EVER had. And that says a lot.

I was extremely excited about this session, Eliot was in my cabin last summer at a church camp I direct and counsel for in the summer. So we met, she jumped in my car, and we were on our way! Just as she changed into her second outfit, guess what happens? Yup. nose bleeeed. I didn't have anything but the shirt off my back to use to stop the blood. (disclaimer: I had on a undershirt.)
It stopped.
I looked like someone had taken a good beating onto my face.
I told Eliot, "We are going to finish this session as long as you can stare at my blood covered face."
She agreed and we kept going.
We made our way to another location and I laughed at how silly I looked with a white tank top and denim vest on...and blood all over my hands and face.
Finished at that location and were on our way to the last location and last outfit.
And here it goes again. This time I couldn't even drive because of how bad it was.
I told her I would be fine, and she disagreed and said she would drive us back to her car.

Unfortunately we had to cut the session short and will pick it up again soon.
But I tried to be a trooper, but obviously that didn't work out how I wanted it to.
Needless to say, it didn't stop after that time either and I drove home with people staring.
I looked like I had gotten in a fight. Tragic.

I went to the doctor this week and praying things will be better. Because you don't know how inconvenient nosebleeds until you have them.

So here is the gorgeous girl.


  1. These are just not good

  2. What about them do you believe is not good? Constructive criticism is good for me to hear and learn from...if you dont mind sharing.

  3. These are great! Beautiful girl!


  5. brilliant! I love the stripey dress with the grate behind her, the one in the parking garage taking the whole ceiling in, and the one of her standing next to the AC thingy with her dress poofed out!
    just brilliant T. love love love.

  6. Eliot is a very pretty young lady :) God bless her in her very bright future :)
    Tara, i've had noose bleeds before as well. They are no fun at all and rather embaressing when they happen. i hope and pray u are ok now and the problem will be remedied soon so you don't have them again.
